Intro to Robotics
- What are Robots?
- Why are they important?
- Definition of a robot
- Types of robots
- Uses for robots
- How do robots work?
- How do robots think?
Making your first programs
- Loops and conditionals
- Decision making
- Inputs and Outputs
Intro to WeDo 2.0
- Intro to the kit
- Types of coding blocks
- Loops and conditionals
- WeDo sensors and motors
Introduction to Mechanics
- How are robot built
- Types of designs
- Basic Mechanisms
Introduction to Sensors
- Color Sensors, Touch Sensors, Ultrasonic Sensors, Gyroscope
- One Sensor Line Following
- Collision Detection
- Wall Following
Final Project
- Planning a model
- Building the model
- Code the project
- Creating your masterpiece
Introduction to Coding- Python.
- What is a program?
- What is an algorithm?
- Intro to Python
Introduction to Circuit
- What is electricity
- How do circuits work
- Basic components
- Build circuits with snap circuits
- What are sensors
- Intro to Arduino
Designing a game
- Creating backdrops and levels
- Creating sprites
- Configuring user controls
Building Your First Robot
- Intro to EV3
- Build the Base Bot
- Basic Movement using large motors
Advanced Sensor Control
- Making a self-balancing robot
- PID Control
- Two Sensor Line Following